Friday, May 30, 2008

Cant get enough

As if a gym membership at Definition and a 20 pass card at Doherty's isnt enough, I've just scored myself and one month trial membership at Genesis just a block down from where I work. Ideal for that extra bit of cardio lunchtime on the cross trainer and a chance to do some stretching in the right environment. Might even venture to doing some bicep and tricep stuff, maybe some speed work too. Seriously they don't have enough weights in the gym, but what the hell.... its free.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Latte me

Went back to Mocopan and retrieved my beloved machine. The tech had not touched it yet and was unlikely to get to it for another 2 weeks. After posting a whinge on coffeegeek I decided to take the advice given, order the parts and service the machine myself. As a dry run to make sure I could pull it apart and put it back together, I did just that:

Deadlift training on Thursday night, was not feeling particularly strong. In fact for the past few days I've been feeling like I'm about to come down with something, seems to affect me in the evening. Anyhoo...

Rackpulls from below the knee , no wraps, straps or belt 5x5 at 120kg.
Close grip rowing 8x8
Chest supp row 4x6

20 mins on stepper

Trained today at Doherty's with Leigh
close grip
dumbell incline press
rotator cuff
standing calf raise

** Bit late.. but here's a pic of what the girls bought me for mother's day. Some tulips and a voodoo knife block ;-)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

what? no latte?

close grip bench - 3x8reps @ 60kg
lockouts @ 80kg
dumbell press @ 50lb dbells - shoulder/delt pain tolerable, hopefully this is a good sign.
wide upright rows - 4x10 @ 30kg
front raises (rehab) 4x8 @ 12.5lb dbells

stepper - 20 mins

I attribute the reduced shoulder pain to the extra stretching I've been doing through the chest area, plus the rehab / rotator cuff exercises.

I'm starting to add in a little cardio when I can, just the stepper for now. I wouldn't mind getting one of these for home. Have checked on ebay - of course the ones I like would have to be the most expensive so I'm unlikely to get one unless I can find a good 2nd hand one.

Nasty headache when I arrived at work this morning, slept well, but I think it was caffeine withdrawl. My coffee machine is out being serviced - no late night latte before bed.... hope its back by the weekend. Had to run out tonight and find a local place that was open to get a take away latte!

Deadlift training tomorrow night.....

Saturday, May 10, 2008

A good week

Trained well all this week.

Monday, squat per usual at Doherty's, raw and working on depth and balance.

Tuesday, bench press at Definition. My usual bench was being used so I decided top warm up lightly with dumbells, seeing how it felt and to my surprise no so much pain as usual. Pressed to a max of 45lb dumbells - whoo-hoo (LOL) Still, I take this as a good thing and put it down to some extra stretching I've been doing at night - in particular neck and chest stretches. Main exercise was still close grip bench. 5x5. Tricep press and standing behind neck tricep press.

Wednesday at Definition, upper back, wide rowing, t-bar rowing, lat pulldown (alternate front and rear). attempted some overhead shoulder press but that was pushing my luck too much with my sore rear delt. Then finished off some oblique training - cable woodchops.

Thursday - would have been deadlift, but Leigh wanted me to rest up my back and hamstring as we're going to have a heavy night for squatting on Monday - The first in a long time. So bicep curls with the ez-bar, dumbell hammer curls and cable straight bar. Then instead of any deadlift work I did some grip strength training. Holding a 8kg dumbell in a pincher grip for 30 seconds. Sounds easy...... but not! It didn't seem enough so I spend 20 mins on the stepper - goddamn I'm unfit!!

Talking about unfit, last Sunday I decided to WALK to the servo to get the paper rather tan drive. This is a 5k round trip which I might add I used to run.... I got halfway there and thought 'I wish someone would come and pick me up'. Cant believe I used to run this!!! I am so UNFIT.

This weekend is a 'horsey weekend' I was out riding this morning at Adult riding club. I'm getting better at going over the jumps at a canter and even managed some grade 4 jumps - I am only graded to level 5 (the lowest grade!) but I'm getting more confident and balanced.

Tomorrow - Pony club for Madii, and an extra early start as we have a special seminar being held by Collen Kelly - so much for a mother's day lie in or breakfast in bed Oh well cant complain - Leigh came over Thursday morning after I had a early morning conference call and he made a yummy breakfast of omeletes, bacon and hash browns. Lucky me!!