Sunday, February 27, 2011

Feb 27 2011

Whoops!  There goes another month!

Tuesday marks 3 months since my shoulder surgery - 3 months!  Tomorrow I have my 3rd post op review with Mr Hoy.  it will be interesting to hear what he thinks of my progress and perhaps some explanation for the dull ache in my shoulder, the flicking sensation and shooting pain in the front deltoid when my arm moves across the front of my body.

For me, if not for being a lifter I'd be quite happy with the range of motion, but i need more to get comfortably under the bar to squat.  I'm almost there. Looking in the mirror I can still see significant muscle loss on the left and my traps are not symmetric. In fact the left side (operation side) is higher than the right and this contributes  feeling uncomfortable under the squat bar.  My left arm, bicep and tricep, and latissimus are all quite weak.  :-(

I'm box squatting raw using the safety squat bar with about 65kg max and doing 5x5. I'm not allowing myself to put on a squat suit until I can squat with the straight bar - that will be the reward.

I'm am permitted to bench the bar (20kg) - woo-hoo!  I tried benching 30kg and it hurt too much - this is going to be a long road back.

Deadlfits - raw and no belt I'm pulling 80kg easily for 8 reps.  This will be a matter of conditioning the shoulder, so the physio has suggested higher reps rather then more weight.

There you have it, my 3 main lifts are back in my core training regime, but I'm feeling that Nationals, which is only 5 months away, is really out of the question. Straight to World Masters? And my last hope of the year will be the Matti Tikka in November up in Sydney.

In the meantime I'm still trying hard to get down to 63kg.  The keyword being trying....   Currently sitting at 65.5kg  and somewhat stagnant. Now you might say its only 2.5kg to lose and that isnt very much. That well and fine for the fatties but when its the last couple of kilo's it doesnt want to budge...  To that end I've bought myself  a crosstrainer.  Lets be serious here, I'm never gonna take up running again so....  cardio on the crosstrainer here I come.

Hmmm  Some assembly required


Thursday, February 03, 2011

Feb 2, 2011

Whoa! February already.

Physio appt - Feb2  (3rd appt)

Simon is happy with my progress still despite my telling him that I'm developing tourettes syndrome  - he inquired as to which tick I'd developed...   The one where I randomly swear every time my shoulder has the flicking pain (yes it returned with avengeance).  He might have thought it was funny but he could see I was concerned about it, nothing to worry about, just keep up the posture work and it will settle....

Scapula massage , not so bad, can deal with that but the lat massage and up under the armpit when trying to stretch overhead - I have to go to that happy place in my mind til its over.

Cleared  to use the Safety squat bar and the zercher harness tho'. Now my squat and deadlift training can get back on track properly.  Also on the approved list is theraband internal and external rotations and now I can, at my own discretion, increase the weights for floor presses and rowing - very happy!

Zercher Harness.

So excited to being about to squat that I'm going over to ESP tonight.  Martyn will have the SSB set up for me and off I go!  Well actually I cant make it to training tomorrow morning, Miss Olivia's first day of school and I got the personal invite, but there was no way I waiting until Monday to squat!

Back to French lessons starting next week.  Level 5 at Lyceum in Kew.  Tuesday night now instead of Wednesday and its a later class  7.50pm  but that's fine because when I return to weightlifting, and I will return to PHOENIX, the French class wont mess with my training which  is 5-6.30pm.  Just means that Tuesday's gonna be a packed day!  Thank gawd for the 'work from home' / sleep in thing on Tuesday mornings to prepare.  Pity tho's I wont see the girls from the classes last year, they're already a level ahead of me now :-(