Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Busy Weekend

Where did the weekend go? From Friday night basketball with Madi (yes they won again) thru to Sunday all day Pony club (again with Madi and Mojo) I don’t think I stopped!

Early Sat morning visit to Andrea (my Chiro) then off to do the weekly food shopping - its not easy feeding me! LOL Or should I be more specific and say not cheap feeding me! Afternoon in the gym for deadlifts. Plenty of warmup set, 60kg, 80kg, 100kg, 110kg 120kg and then finally the peak.... 2 sets 2 reps 125kg. No rack pulls today though. Over to train hammy's - leg lifts 8 sets30kg, 50kg then down to 30kg followed by 3 sets of back raises with the 15kg plate. Whoo-hoo - certainly felt that next day must have done some good work with the deads too - my lats are still sore today (Tuesday!)

Last night trained shoulders - felt really strong warmed up on the shoulder press machine at 100 progressed up 110, 120, 140, 160 and then blew it away at 180 - never gone past 160 before - 2 sets 8 reps and 6 reps. Side raises with the 30lb dumbbells were next but my delts were already spent. Just 4 sets.... On to biceps - seated curls for a change. 30lb dumbbells and 35lb dumbbells.... Bar curls 4 set 28kg and worked down 25kg then just the bar at 18kg for wide grip curls. Finished off with just a couple of sets of cable curls at 30 lbs.

Cardio, cardio, cardio.....
There has to be a better way! Stepper for 20 minutes and my legs were screaming, I was out of breath and sweating like crazy.....

Home - dinner (6 eggs 2 yolks and stir fry veggies) then time to relax in front of the telly with my girls. Desp Housewives, Grey's Anatomy and Boston Legal - doesn’t get any better.... Ok, some chocolate would make it perfect!!

Keeping up the cardio today
- out for a walk at lunch again today at 1pm - lap of the tan, a decent 40 minute walk at a brisk pace. More again tonight on that damn stepper after abs

Busy day ahead tomorrow
- Back to see Peter Larkins, then another late appointment with Andrea. Then the highlight of the evening - Benching with Shaz and Charmaine - and I'll get to try out my bench shirt at last!! Tell you all about it on Thursday!

Til then...

Vicki xxx

1 comment:

The Man said...


Is there any part of your cardio workouts that you do enjoy?

Black dress in the pic looks hot by the way!!