Have stayed away from training but will venture back into MBS tonight and do speed bench with SPLC. I had put my hand up to attend a bench press seminar being held at Apollo Gym by the EFS guys but looks like I didn't get a guernsey, oh well $100 to put towards a new bench shirt for the April comp. Looking for a RED Titan F6 in a size 38 or 40. My chest measured 37, which is between sizes, so do I round down or round up? A 36 chest is a 38 shirt (meet fit) and a 38 chest is a 40 shirt (meet fit) or a 38 shirt (competition (tightest) fit). I'll probably err on the side of caution and go for a 40 since I haven't worn a Titan shirt before and my arms don't conform to their expected measurements, a bit big! Lifting Large are expecting some more stock in later in the week - hopefully they'll have one in my size.
You are looking fit coming out of the beach, not so much Bay Watch..
All the best!!!
Just to ensure, my comment was a compliment!
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