Friday, February 16, 2007

A valuable lesson

Tried to deadlift in my squat boots. Not good. They tip me forward too much. coped a nasty bruise on the shin as I tried to pull back. Deadlifted in my socks instead. (don't have any pretty pink deadlift slippers )120kg for 3 sets of 4 reps - just for form.

Training went something like this
Drop squats 12 set of 2 rep - 20 sec rest.
Reverse hypers 60kg 3set of 6.
Deadlift 80% 120kg 3 sets of 4
Side deadlift 40kg 3 sets of 6 each side. Should have gone heavier 40kg was too light.
Saxon bends 10lb 3 sets of 10.

Busy evening with Madi having to go down to pony club for C-certificate training. She is being level assessed next month and this is quite a significant level to achieve.Between getting dinner (take out night) and ferrying Madi to and from Pony club I felt like I spent all night in the car.

Trying not to fall into the rose bush ..

Set the alarm for 5.10am to go for my Friday morning run but decided that it wouldn't be wise considering the 2 nasty broken blisters that I acquired yesterday(one on each heel) when I went out to meet one of my coolrunner friends for a latte over at the botanic gardens. Well at least he's taken responsibility for the damage and emailed some suggestions to sort out the blisters.... Might try for a run Monday morning if they've healed but that will definitely be the last opportunity for a run before the comp. Anyway despite lying in bed a little too long pondering run/no run I still ended up in the office at 6.30am thereabouts.... long day!

Speed bench tonight - last 'full' training session
. Madi has Basketball at 8.40 so that gives me plenty of time to train. Quiet weekend, the last for a while I think... Seeing Babel with my movie mate Clay tomorrow afternoon at the Jam Factory Europa. Coffee first - of course, however sans popcorn or icecream for the movie.
Joanne coming over for dinner on Sunday night, girly stuff, waxing, gossip etc. Seems the new boyfriend is already becoming a pain in the butt - ahh true love.

Catch you all after the weekend......
Well maybe over the weekend if the new 3G wireless broadband pack arrives today - If it does I'll be installing it over the weekend and saying goodbye to dial-up Internet! YAY.

Vicki xxx

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